Saturday, February 22, 2014

Apple Chips

So I grew up in one of those houses that didn't have soda, chips, sugary cereals and pretty much anything else you beg to have as a kid.  As a kid you can imagine this was pretty devastating, but now that I'm older, obviously, I am super thankful for it.  One of the treats my mom would get me is apple chips (along with other things such as green smoothies and coconut popsicles).  As you can see I was totally ahead of the times (HA!).  Anyways I used to love these things and had totally forgotten about them until recently when I had some apples and know what would be delicious to make with these...APPLE CHIPS!  As you can probably guess I jumped for joy and sang out to the heavens for this idea was golden.  So I made them and they came out surprisingly well, so I thought I'd share them with all of you!  These can totally be tailored to what you like (or what you have on hand, let's be honest that's really what determines what you make).  They can be as sugary or as cinnamony (not a word, but really should be) as you wish, which is really the great thing about making them or anything yourself.  You can get exactly what you want, and who doesn't want that.  Okay, enough rambling, here's the recipe.  (P.S.  These do take time (about 4 hours), but not a lot of work).

A P P L E  C H I P S  R E C I P E

☂ 2 large apples (I used fuji)
cinnamon sugar (3 Tbsp. sugar mixed with 1 tsp. of cinnamon)

Wash and thoroughly dry both apples.
Line two baking sheets with parchment paper and preheat oven to 200F degrees.
Slice apples as thin as possible horizontally starting from one end of the core to the other. (This is totally do-able using a knife and don't worry if the slices don't look perfect because they will all be yummy).
Place the slices of apples on a single layer (it will be about one full apple per sheet) and sprinkle with your desired amount of cinnamon sugar. TIP [it is smart to taste a piece of the apple while you're slicing it to determine how sweet the apple is to begin with as all apples seem to be different]
Place the baking sheets in the oven for 1½ hours and then flip the apples over and bake for another 1½ hours.
Now turn the oven off and keep the apple slices in the oven for another hour.  
WALAH!  Enjoy and start feeling nourished

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